Invitation to the seminar «2010: Vital Importance Issues in Accounting and Audit»

11:57 МСФО в строительстве, Новости, Пресса о МСФО и их применении в России, Семинары

26th February, 2010, St-Petersburg, Business Center “Neptun”, Krasniy Zal, from 10 A.M. till 2 P.M.
2010: Vital Importance Issues in Accounting and Audit Organized by:
– audit and consulting firm the Institute for Enterprise Issues. IEI – audit, legal services, IFRS/IAS, consulting, appraisal
— Buhgalterskie Vesti Magazine (by Delovoy Peterburg)
Auditors and appraisers:
The Institute for Enterprise Issues (IEI)
— Alla Astramovich, Head of department of audit at the Institute for Enterprise Issues. Topic: “Vital importance issues in accounting and audit in 2010. Requirements to accounting policy for tax and accounting purposes in 2010”
— Sergey Moderov, Head of international financial reporting department at the Institute for Enterprise Issues. Topic: “Practicalities of accounting of financial lease. Taxation and accounting in construction industry” — Tatyana Ivanova, Deputy head of department of audit at the Institute for Enterprise Issues. Topic: “Use of preferred treatment tax possibilities for tax planning”
— Olga Gudzik, Deputy head of international financial reporting department at the Institute for Enterprise Issues. Topic: “New in Personal Income Tax (PIT)”
— Elena Shponko, Head of department of business registration at the Institute for Enterprise Issues. Topic: “Right documentation for employment of foreign personnel. Migration laws and responsibilities of employer. Registration of new businesses by Russian and foreign individuals in current situation”
Lawyers, specialists in real estate and bankruptcy official receivers:
— Tatyana Grigorieva, Director of ZAO Concorde. Topic: «Audit of title documents for land plots and other real estate. Providing of the land for industrial real estate construction”
— Sergey Zimin, Senior partner at the “Russian Debt Agency” (RAUD) and Tatyana Peletskaya, Senior partner at the “Russian Debt Agency” (RAUD). Topic: “ Тема «Finding, prevention and minimizing of risks to become bankrupt. Risks inherent to management bodies of the company”
Cost of attendance — 2 100 Rubles, plus VAT 18%. Discount of 100% provided for subscribers of “Buhgalterskiy Vesti” Magazine (by Delovoy Peterburg)

Registration form
Participation in the seminar “2010: Vital Importance Issues in Accounting and Audit”

Date: 26 February 2010 (Friday), from 10 A.M. till 2 P.M.
Venue: St-Petersburg, Business Center “Neptun”, nab. Obvodnogo Kanala, 93 “A”, Krasniy Zal

Name and Surname__________________________________________________________________
Position ________________________________________________________________________
Company ______________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
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Fax ______________________________________________________________________________
Please send this registration for attn. Sergey Moderov by fax +7 812 7033008 or e-mail or