Seminar «IFRS — Implementation Practice», held by the Institute for Enterprise Issues and portal , will take place on 18th April, 2012 in St-Petersburg
12 апреля 2012 15:20 Новости, СеминарыSeminar «IFRS — Implementation Practice», held by the Institute for Enterprise Issues and portal , will take place on 18th April, 2012 in St-Petersburg
Venue — St-Petersburg, MDZ Neptun, Nab. Obvodnogo Kanala, 93-а, hall «Amphitheatre». Time – 18th April, from 10.00 till 14.00
At the seminar you could find out of the most important changes in IFRSs, practicalities of implementation of those standards as well as of statutory preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS in Russia for the year 2012
Main topics of the seminar:
• IFRS: most important changes
• Law «On securities market» and requirements for IFRS
• Law «On consolidated financial statements» and obligatory statutory preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS for 2012. Need to disclose comparative information for 2011
• Organizational changes and preparation to IFRS by Groups of companies registered in the legal form of OAO (Open Joint-Stock Companies) or for those who has issued bonds
• Estimations and judgments in preparation of IFRS financial statements
• Management accounting and IFRS accounting: interconnections and mutual influence
• Approaches to recognition of operations that are not directly described in IFRS
• Budgeting in IFRS format
• Requirements by bankers and investors to IFRS financial statements (covenants, that have to be followed when getting finance, calculation of EBITDA, multiplicators of the value of the company)
• Sergey Moderov, АССА, Head of IFRS department, Audit firm Institute for Enterprise Issues – Kreston InternationalCost to participate: free of charge, registration at e-mail is required — or phone 7033007
Info sponsors
Non-governmental educational institution «Institute for Enterprise Issues»
Financial consultant «Nibur Trade Financing»
Portal IFRS.SU
Registration form
Seminar «IFRS — Implementation Practice»,
held by the Institute for Enterprise Issues and portal, will take place on 18th April, 2012 in St-Petersburg
Venue — St-Petersburg, MDZ Neptun, Nab. Obvodnogo Kanala, 93-а, hall «Amphitheatre». Time – 18th April, from 10.00 till 14.00
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Presented registration form provides free of charge participation in the seminar “IFRS: Implementation Practice», that will be held on 18th of April 2012 in St-Petersburg, MDZ Neptun, Nab. Obvodnogo Kanala, 93-а, hall «Amphitheatre» Time – 18th April, from 10.00 till 14.00
We ask kindly to send filled registration form to or or by fax +7 812 7033008 with the note “for Sergey Moderov”